
Attijariwafa bank

Attijariwafa bank, leading banking and financial group in North Africa, with 6.2 million customers and 15,289 employees, is a pan-African multinational.

Present in 22 countries, the Group gives priority to its proximity to customers and puts them at the heart of its strategy through its ambitious banking and continuous innovation efforts. In addition to banking, the Group operates through specialized subsidiaries in all financial businesses: insurance, mortgage, consumer credit, leasing, asset management, securities brokerage, consulting, leasing, factoring ...

With a solid financial base, a capital of diverse expertise and tools of modern expertise, the Group has managed to climb the undisputed national leader in credit to the economy and consumer credit, of corporate banking and investment banking, asset management and stock market trades, leasing and bancassurance.

Attijariwafa bank is based in Morocco and operates in 21 countries: Africa (Tunisia, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Guinea Bissau, Mali, Mauritania, Ivory Coast, Congo, Gabon and Cameroon) and Europe (Belgium, France, Germany, Netherlands, Italy and Spain) through subsidiary banks majority owned by the bank in Dubai, Riyadh, London, Shanghai and Tripoli through representative offices.

Two pole motors Development

Retail Banking

Bank Company offers through a dedicated entity to "Financing SME investment" a range of products and services tailored to operators.
The Bank of Personal and Professional itself as the leader in all market segments, either at the collection of resources, the granting of loans or distribution of products in bancassurance.
Bank of Moroccans without Borders continues to gain market share through the consistency of its business strategy and outreach for the target audience.
Division Corporate Banking, Markets & Investment and Financial Subsidiaries

Corporate Banking is positioned as the preferred partner of big business in financing projects.
The Bank of International Retail is structured around a network of local banks based in the Maghreb and sub-Saharan Africa, including Tunisia and Attijari bank Attijari Bank Senegal.
The Capital Markets and Investment promotes synergies between the various business lines.
The entity "Capital Market" is characterized by a mastery of business related to foreign exchange, derivatives trading, loan structuring and syndication of investment.

The activity "Custody" is another core activity of the Capital Markets and Investment why Attijariwafa bank holds 36% market share at the end of June 2012.

Wafa Gestion is a historic leadership position in asset management for third parties in Morocco, both in terms of assets under management by the multi-expert approach. Wafa Gestion offers a wide range of mutual funds (more than 75 mutual funds and Fcp), responding to the needs of all customer segments (institutional investors, companies and individuals) and covering all investment horizons and all asset classes (monetary, compulsory stocks and commodities).

Corporate Finance who reports Attijari Finance Corp.. shows good performance in terms of merger and acquisition consulting.
Attijari intermediation is characterized by commercial responsiveness of its teams is causing a market share of 30% in the central market of the Casablanca Stock Exchange.
For its part, Attijari Invest specializes in private equity entity established three sector funds and regional funds.
Specialized Financial Services offer customers Attijariwafa bank's full range of products and services through an effort of continuous innovation and professionalism of their respective teams.
These financial services are provided by seven subsidiaries are leaders in their respective fields:
Wafa Assurance in bancassurance
Wafasalaf in the consumer credit
Wafa Immobilier in mortgage lending
Wafacash in the transfer of funds
Wafabail in leasing
Wafa LLD in the long-term rental
Attijari Factoring Factoring in Morocco

1 commentaires:

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